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in Wordpress Themes by ian-beer (220 points)
Is there a way of suppressing the display of the page title (Home etc) either on individual pages or all pages other than editing the relevant php file?

9 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

You can remove page title from all pages by using the custom css in File -> Preference -> Custom css.

Custom css:

#{CSS_prefix}content_margin h1

Default value of {CSS_prefix} is "ttr_". It is under File -> Preference -> CSS Prefix.

TemplateToaster Support
by keithadv (1.4k points)
That works, but it's kind of a nuclear option--it kills everything with an H1 heading.

I hope one day you'll consider some kind of Theme Options box on the Page Editor that lets you hide the Title just for that particular page.
That works, but it's kind of a nuclear option--it kills everything with an H1 heading.

I hope one day you'll consider some kind of Theme Options box on the Page Editor that lets you hide the Title just for that particular page.

Agreed. Should really be a check box option in page edit view (Wordpress Dashboard) that says "Show Title on Page" (Make it checked by default).

Should be able to have it on or off on each page.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Thanks for the feature request.

The page title display/hide option and many other WordPress backend features are already in our wish list.
There is a plugin for WP that lets you hide or show page title,
There is a plugin for WP that lets you hide or show page title,

Yes there are a lot of plugins out there and I believe in using them for certain things. But this seems to be a basic function that should either be included in this theme builder or a WordPress standard function. One less plugin to install and worry about.
by bill_p (180 points)
Here are some page options from one of my favorite themes:

[ img ]

Probably more extensive than necessary for a theme generator but some of the options, such as "Hide Page Title," are very worthwhile.
by hall-torstein (500 points)
Here are some page options from one of my favorite themes:

[ img ]

Probably more extensive than necessary for a theme generator but some of the options, such as "Hide Page Title," are very worthwhile.

I think most of that options lokked more or less usefull. :geek: But for now I have to use a Toogle Heading plugin.
by panicosh (1.2k points)
Try the Disable Title 0.5 plugin, is very useful
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