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in Wordpress Themes by
Using the vertical menu the sub menu panel appears tight up against the main menu bar within TT. However on export, the submenu panel drops away from the main menu bar by about 10px, a gap big enough anyway for the cursor to drop into and lose the drop down. I have checked and rechecked all margins and cannot see any obvious reason for this behaviour. Anyone else come across or am I just lucky?

7 Answers

by helenbakker (500 points)
Hi Ian,
I have been struggling with the menus as well, can you give an URL?
by ian-beer (220 points)
The particular site in question is not worth a lot of trouble, it is the principle I am trying to sort out. Having taken a couple of the samples and exported them unchanged as trials for comparison, the behaviour of their sub menus seems to be exactly the same.

I cannot readily see anything in the CSS that would cause this, though I will admit the old eyes are not as sharp as they used to be xx years ago!
by helenbakker (500 points)
Hi Ian,
If you check the tab menu,then go to sub-item, you will see that by default it gives a margin of 2 horizontally and vertically, and the padding gets 2px vertical as well. Maybe your solutions lies there somewhere? Don't think the 'old' eyes have anything to do with it.. or do as I do.. grab contacts + glasses :lol:
I had already removed the top margin for the sub item, having now set both top & bottom margins and padding to zero, the gap is still there in the exported model.

Even with these little "local difficulties" this program remains more usable in my opinion than the 4.2 version of Artisteer which I have used for years, now the past tense. New learning curves. TT is much more flexible.
by helenbakker (500 points)
Maybe its worth submitting a support ticket for this.
And on the Artisteer part: couldn't agree more. This is so much more flexible, and issues are actually solved.
Good luck!
by ian-beer (220 points)
Just to close this thread for the benefit of others...
As you suggested I raised a ticket with support Friday afternoon (I am UK) based. Saturday morning I received a request for the two files, export and .ttr. These I sent Saturday morning expecting to hear nothing till next week it being a weekend. Saturday mid afternoon Support answered saying the issue had been resolved in the latest release, which indeed it has.
This level of support is amazing, especially compared with another.
by helenbakker (500 points)
I have the same experience, support is incredible! Good to hear your problem was solved, Ian. Good Luck!
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