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in New Features Discussion by
Hi there,

I am using the trial version (2.x) for testing it before my future purchase.
It seems that generated magento templates are compatible with the old IE7.
Any idea?

Best regards


9 Answers


Read "ARE NOT" compatible instead of "ARE"


by panicosh (1.2k points)

I have the full Professional version of TT. To be honest I never try it with the old browsers. Don't forget that IE6 is from 2002 and IE7 is from 2007 if I am correct.

I will try to find an old computer and test Magento with old browsers and I will let you know. Give me few days and I will tell you.

You can try to upgrade IE 7 to IE8 if you are using XP. Keep in mind that XP will be supporter until 31/12/2013.

I'll give you an advice. If you will buy a new computer DO NOT buy it with Windows 8, prefer Windows 7, they will be supporter until 2019 and meanwhile the Windows 9 will come out and hopefully they will be the new XP :)

IMO XP was the best operator system ever, then Windows 7.

If you noticed, Microsoft is making a good and a bad operator system

XP- Good
Vista- Bad
Win 7 -Good
Win8- Bad

Anyway, hopefully at the end of the week I will find a pc with IE6 and IE7 and I will let you know how they respond to Magento.
Hi panicosh,

Thanx for your reply. My computer is running under Vista and I can use the old IE7.
I am waiting your results

Best regards

by panicosh (1.2k points)

IMO is the WORST operation system Microsoft ever made !!

You said you running IE7 under Vista, correct? You can upgrade IE7 to IE8 and also you can download Mozilla and Chrome for Vista.

Since IE7 is from 2006,well, is 7 years old browser and it cannot adopt the latest technology. Download IE8 it can run on Vista.

I also recommend that you should downgrade your computer in XP ,or if it is a good pc with good specifications you can upgrade to Win7.

Vista is a failure.

Try upgrade IE7 to IE8 and tell me what results you have.
by simon (2.3k points)
Ah...if only everything would run on 98SE the world would be right!
by keithadv (1.4k points)
Try http://browsershots.org/ to see how your layout will look in just about every browser out there.
by panicosh (1.2k points)
Ah...if only everything would run on 98SE the world would be right!

Wrong, if everything would run on Linux then the planet would be ok :lol:
by simon (2.3k points)
Ah...if only everything would run on 98SE the world would be right!

Wrong, if everything would run on Linux then the planet would be ok :lol:

I must agree. But I am sad at the moment. The last few versions of Ubuntu send my poor Dell doolally. The fan just goes bananas as the processor works over time. I keep waiting for the new distros but it still happens.
by panicosh (1.2k points)
Ah...if only everything would run on 98SE the world would be right!

Wrong, if everything would run on Linux then the planet would be ok :lol:

I must agree. But I am sad at the moment. The last few versions of Ubuntu send my poor Dell doolally. The fan just goes bananas as the processor works over time. I keep waiting for the new distros but it still happens.

Clean your computer from dust and also run a memtest in order to check the RAM. Probably you have a hardware problem not an Operation System problem
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