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in Issues/Bugs by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
Been away for a while (Honeymoon) and am now keen to get back into TT. Unfortunately, went to update and when opened only went to 25%. Unistalled old version and tried again. This time, got to 95% and stopped.

Any help appreciated.

6 Answers

by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
Just tried again and get it open but with "Activated for older version ... will run in trial mode". Can I have a new activation key please
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Hello Mike,

You need to purchase license for new versions, however you can keep using old versions with your beta activation key.

Purchase page: http://templatetoaster.com/purchase
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
Thanks didn't realise you'd moved along so quickly - But just seen the price and am not sure whether that's too much for me.

Okay. I've been trying to play with TT in trial mode. Problems opening. It get's to 95% and locks. The only way past it is to end process via task manage. Then it completes and opens.

The first thing I notice, is there is still no global typography. Has this been done? I won't buy until I think it's right. So if you don't intend having a global typograhy, I probably won't buy. Second thing I notice, is there is still no accurate sizing for Module positions drawn (eg in header area). Shame, it was so promising to start with. Will these issues be dealt with?

I hope so.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
You'll get 95% loading error if you have activated TemplateToaster with a beta activation key and now you have updated to final version, simple solution is to deactivate TemplateToaster while using beta version and your final version should work without any issue.

Global Typography option will be available in 2.0 version which is planned for Feb.

\\there is still no accurate sizing for Module positions drawn
can you explain this requirement in some detail ?
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
Module positions>> Draw new position ( IN Header or footer area only)
Left click and hold and drag to draw module box. Release left click when box drawn. Then to size it you have to wait until exported as joomla template and size in css. There is nothing to do this in TT before export.
Does that make sense?

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Global typography is now available in TemplateToaster 2.0 version: http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/TemplateToaster.exe

In latest 2.0 you can do it under General>> Typography>> Select Text and you'll be able to change font properties of entire text (everything excluding headlines), you can edit typography of Headlines by selecting headlines radio.

Position sizing is planned for next 2.x releases.
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