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in Issues/Bugs by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
Hi using version for Joomla 2.5 templates.
Conflicts with core login mods and downloaded extensions for logins. Try to register here http://www.cybernights.co.uk/createtheatre/
Conflicts with JoomlaCK Editor - seems to be alright with TinyMCE.
These conflicts are major making the coms/mods unusable.

TT itself:
Update button does not work. Update available now, TT doesn't find it.
Could do with some global settings for eg typography, colour schemes.
Edit/insert modulepositons, won't let me put a new mmodpos where I want to. It's okay in footer/header but not elsewhere eg just above footer, just below header.

I'll upload the new version and see if that has over come these problems. Still no global typography etc and modpos still restricted to those that are there or in footer header only.

It's still coming along nicely.


2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)

We fixed that conflict issue in version.

At this time we announce only major versions like 1.4, 1.5 etc. that can be checked by 'check for updates'.

The global typography option will be available in next major version.

You should be able to insert/edit module positions anywhere in the template, just click on a desired row of positions and top ribbon options will be enabled for that particular row. You can view last video from our demos page for more details http://templatetoaster.com/demo
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
Thanks - I've discovered the "row" options for ModulePositions. And the templates do now seem not have so many conflicts.

Cheers :D
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