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in HTML Website by debb (120 points)
Hi. I'm trying to decide if I should spend the $149 for Template Toaster. Can a few of you who have actually built your HTML website with this program post your website address so I can see how real sites look on my different devices' screen sizes?

I have searched online and all I can find are sample templates. I need some real-world websites to look at.

Thanks! (Here's a chance to showcase your work, too.)

1 Answer

by student-donald (1.8k points)
How about; is anyone using TT in the HTML mode? And some feedback.  I am undecided about using this for "regular" sites. Also concern about TT dropping this part of the program for lack of use or interest in the future. Certainly a great program considering you can do both. It may also be users like myself that are use to WYSIWYG programs don't have that many questions. Just some thoughts. When someone has time.

Thanks a lot!
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
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