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in Joomla Templates by hoffmanweb (160 points)
I created a template to use for my mobile site only and have a number of issues:

1. Too much space between bottom of header and top of content. (See image) I have adjusted the margins to zero and still no effect.
[ img ]

2. Need to apply button style to links but I cannot find the button styles inside JCE editor. The button was created within the TT template.
[ img ]

3. Cannot get foot styles to work. I have set background color to #065D79 which appears around the content I assigned to the footer module but it isn't applying to the actual module.
[ img ]

Any help with these would be greatly appreciated.

3 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)

1) Please provide the url and ttr file at TemplateToaster support http://templatetoaster.com/support by opening a ticket.

2) To apply button styles, use the class "btn" in the JCE, using Toggle Editor.

3) Try to set the Style option "none" for that module Position in the Template Options provided on Joomla Backend.
Joomla Admin -> Extensions -> Template Manager -> Click Default Template -> Style options -> Your module position -> None.
by hoffmanweb (160 points)
Thanks for the reply Sarah

I opened a ticket and attached my ttr file as you requested.

Using the "btn" class worked fine.

I was able to reduce a major portion of the open space by adjusting the margins.

The issue with the footer still remains and is described in detail in the support ticket.
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
That's great Sarah, but for the rest of us, what is the solution?
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