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in New Features Discussion by jason41 (380 points)
Currently a very popular style for new sites is having the header or just menu sticky to top of screen when you scroll down. There are some Wordpress plugins which can do this, though not really well as they don't always work with all themes. Could TT have this option added so we'd have the option of the sticky menu?

3 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
We have considered this feature for the future release. For now try to use the custom css.
by jason41 (380 points)
It would be a HUGE addition to TT, that feature is very sought after and can be a pain to get working really well with tt themes right now. From my view, it would be a feature that is a big selling point.
by sarah (15.2k points)
Yeah, we would try to provide it in the future major release of TemplateToaster. But for the time being, you can use custom css like position:fixed, left:0; right:0; top:0 to the class of menu.
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