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in Issues/Bugs by dpearcemn (680 points)
When using the WYSIWYG module and with either the CKEditor or TinyMCE, the editors will not show when using a TT theme. Switch to a different theme and they will show.

3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Which CMS you are using, can you please suggest here the exact steps to reproduce the issue
by dpearcemn (680 points)
Drupal 7. I created a new Drupal 7 site with the WYSIWYG module. I installed the TinyMCE and CKEditor libraries into the sites/all/libraries folder. I confirmed they worked in a base Drupal 7 theme when I created a new node and then switched to a theme I had created in TT. Now the body field no longer showed either editor.

If you can't reproduce the problem, I could tarball up a complete site and the database and send it to you.
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Thanks for reporting, we fixed this issue in version.
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