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in Joomla Templates by ayjayr (140 points)

I've designed a template - no problems.

The following is a TAB visible from within Extensions -> Template Manager -> Edit Style of my template

Both the Site Title Font Size and the Site Slogan Font Size are defined in my template in TT, though I had to set these or the default values here would override whatever was in the template.

When I came to start on a Responsive Web Design (RWD) for this site, I have altered both the font layout and size for tablets and for smaller screen - rather easily in TT, I might add.

However, the values set in the above TAB are overriding the values I have set in TT for the RWD of each device - positioning is good though.

I cannot set these values to null (blank) - upon save they are re-populated with their previous values.

If I set them to zero (0) the font is set to zero and NOT visible at all.

I have search the TT site and forum and there does not seem to be any documentation, tips, FAQ or forum questions or answers on this.

Please, how are these parameters meant to be dealt with?



1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)
The issue has solved in the latest build( You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/in ... oaster.exe
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