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in Issues/Bugs by drobison (120 points)
I installed a trial version and tested it out. It looked good so I purchased a $49 version. I immediately received an email with a Activation Key and account info. When I opened Template Toaster and tried to update to my paid version, the system took the activation key info and acted like all was well, but then the whole Template Toaster system closed automatically. When I tried to open it again, I was back where I started, with a trial version. Of course I tried this a several times to make sure I entered in the correct key values. I also tried uninstalling the whole TT application system and reinstalling it from scratch again. When I opened Template Toaster it still said I have a Trial version, and when I give it my activation key info, it repeats the whole maddening circle.

1 Answer

by sarah (15.2k points)
It seems that your WMI service is not running.

1. Please check the status of Winmgmt in Task Manager -> Services.

2. Try activating from administrator account.

3. Try disabling antivirus/firewall installed on you PC.
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