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in Joomla Templates by s-lejeunes (260 points)

I have a big problem with two separate thing:
Pagination (in my case to navigate beetween articles of a same categorie) and links in an articles.

1- Pagination.
In Elements I had parameter the pagination as following
Normal: A white box with orange border and the text is also orange
Hover/Active: A orange box with white text

2-Links in content
I had paremeter in content/typographie/links as following
Links normal/active -> orange
Links hover -> grey

problem= image attached:[ img ] [ img ]

-> in my local test with joomla 3, the Pagination has a hover orange box BUT WITH GREY TEXT.=> not ok
The link active or normal are orange and the hover is grey -> ok
So the pagination use the style of links in content and I can't parameter the links content as hover white because the background is white.

Please help

1 Answer

by s-lejeunes (260 points)

No one could explain why when I install the TT Template in joomla 3 the pagination hover color are depending of the hover color link in the content ?

So if I put red color for hover at the pagination hover and white color at the link hover for content, the hover of the pagination will be white and not red.

Thank you in advance it's very strange and that's block me in my progress for make new templates with TT.
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