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ago in New Features Discussion by rob176 (160 points)
Hi, I have been a TT-user for a few years now and happy with the product. It is somewhat buggy and I was looking forward to see some of the issues would be sorted as the software matures. But a year has gone by without any updates or mentions of it.

Is TT shutting down? Would love to hear what the plan is going forward..

1 Answer

ago by markus_ga (1.0k points)
Hello, this is not correct, it only looks like this because the changelog has apparently not been updated.  
The latest version ( was updated on 20.02.2025.  This also applies to the beta version, where the changelog is unfortunately not updated either. Should probably be reported.
ago by rob176 (160 points)
Yes, could be nice to know whats going on...  
ago by usedom-web (160 points)
But why isn't this changed when an update is released? Many people are waiting for it. Using the new Bootstrap version is also important. I've already had to switch a Joomla template to "Astroid." That's a shame.

Viele Grüße
ago by markus_ga (1.0k points)
Hallo Manuel,
Ich bin einer wie du, der das Programm auch benutzt. Es ist real eine Schande, dass die hier alles so fahren lassen, wäre eine gute Idee dieses Programm.
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