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in Joomla Templates by payop (340 points)
I have set a top menu for alignment to be set to center. After uploading and switching the main menu to the proper template (menu) module position the menu is left aligned.

Menu > Menu Button Properties > Alignment > Horizontal > Center

I have attempted this with both horizontal and vertical menu settings with the same results for both.

I have an Artisteer template with the same menu and it aligns to the center perfectly. I am new to Template Toaster (but I have used Artisteer since it first came out on the market and developed over 100 sites with it) so I have a basic understanding of how this software should work.

Any ideas of what could possibly be causing this?

3 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
The issue has been resolved and the solution will be provided in the latest build very soon.
For now, please provide module class suffix with a leading space.
at Joomla Admin -> Extensions -> Module Manager -> MainMenu -> Advanced options -> Module Class suffix.
by payop (340 points)
Not sure what you mean "please provide module class suffix with a leading space". Could you provide me what should go into that field?
by payop (340 points)
As a followup - the latest version has fixed this issue.
by office255 (160 points)
the problem is still present on my installation with latest version - have a look at my post http://templatetoaster.com/forum/3823/main-menu-center-allignement
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