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in Joomla Templates by rein (120 points)
edited by templatetoaster
Hi TT, the sticky menu will not work if a menu item should not open a page but a calendar (Jevents) or photo album (EventGallery). The menu then simply scrolls out of the screen. With pages it works fine. Are you aware of this problem ?

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
Can you please provide us your website URL where you are facing the issue so that we can check the issue and guide you accordingly.
by rein (120 points)
The website is still on the local host, I'll put it online and then I'll report back.
Thank you
by rein (120 points)
Okay, the website is online: http://www.deratelaar.nl/
The problem is now half solved, EventGallery has been updated and now works fine.
It must be Jevents, menu item 'Agenda'.
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