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in Joomla Templates by phillips-guy (360 points)
TT newbie here. Is Bootstrap 5 available via TT for Joomla 4 sites, and if not when will it be available please? I'm sure I asked this question before I bought it and the answer was yes, but I only seem to have options to use 3 o4 4 in the toolbar along the top and I don't see options when I export. Or am I missing something? Thank you.

And - is there an upgrade to my current version? How would I know? Thanks.

2 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Hello Phillips,

Which TemplateToaster version you are using, you should get both Joomla 4 and Bootstrap 5 in latest TemplateToaster version.
by phillips-guy (360 points)
by administrator1 (940 points)
Please download the latest version of TemplateToaster from our downloads page( https://templatetoaster.com/download
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