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in Issues/Bugs by adrianstones (120 points)
Menu problem, when i put menu position under the header, this keeps in that position when you scroll.. what should i do? :?


5 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
Please open a ticket at support http://templatetoaster.com/support/ with url to your website and ttr file.
by admuit (300 points)
When I update from v4 to v5.0.0.7356 I have troubles whit the menu.
I only load a v4 template in TemplateToaster v5 and save it with an other name.
All the menu’s buttons are vertical no longer horizontal and the menu’s don’t work anymore.
The sidebar menu’s also don’t work, please look to the images.


by sarah (15.2k points)
Please share the url of your website.
by admuit (300 points)
Hai Sarah, thanks for your reaction. The url of my site is: http://www.luymes.net
On this site all things are normal with a template made by TemplateToaster_v4.2.0.6619.

On a test site you see exact the same template, but the only different is that it’s saved with TemplateToaster_v5.0.0.7356. The url of this normally offline site is: http://www.testsite.admuit.eu
On this site the menus, top and left, don’t work it all and they are display vertical, not horizontal.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
It seems the issue of the multiple menu's, as every menu item is created as separate menu. So, try to create a single main menu and assign all multiple menu items to it. It will solve the issue.
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