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in New Features Discussion by babamonkey (300 points)
Hello i would like to request the following features (using Wordpress themes)

..but 1st .. sorry for my bad english... ;)


Set Background color AND a Background Picture
(background color is possible, but only with a CSS code - this change is not displayed in the program preview)


Foreground Pictures (not sure if thats the english name) -> Hyperlink -> make it please possible to open it in a new window "_blank"
Text Windows -> Hyperlinks -> open in a new window too
Text Windows : maybe make it possible to add own HTML Code (like in Artist...)
(i need it to add a "span <name> command" to make it possible for a plugin to display some information at that position behind a text .. i do it at the moment by edit the output php files which takes a lot of time to test new layouts or changes ..)

Fixed Head incl Menu on the page - so if you scroll down .. the head and / or menu are frozen on top of the page.
- at the moment i have to use a plugin, also insert css code only works sometimes .. and i get mad of fixing the code every time i changed something
in the header which made it all messed up again.)

I just also noticed .. Text Fields got problems with the format ... i try to make it bold .. and nothing happens... also google fonts would be nice..

The rest of the programm works perfect for my needs...

Thanks and greetings from Germany


2 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)

-- Body Background
To select the background color and image, simultaneously for body, Go to TemplateToaster -> Body -> Background -> images -> More -> FallBack value.

The requested features like
-- Hyperlink to Foreground images, TextAreas to open in new window, Google Font to TextArea, Fixed menu
have been considered for the next major build of the TemplateToaster.

-- To fixed header including menu, you have to use custom css. Please open a ticket at support http://templatetoaster.com/support with ttr file.
by babamonkey (300 points)

-- Body Background
To select the background color and image, simultaneously for body, Go to TemplateToaster -> Body -> Background -> images -> More -> FallBack value.

Hello Sarah,

i already tried to set the fallback value/color, whatever color or tansparency i select the backgroud under the background-picture keeps to be just plain white.

see Picture : [ img ]
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