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in Joomla Templates by majan (240 points)
edited by majan


I want to have a full width module below the menu position to use custom slider module to more easier change picture, but can't seem to achieve this. I have setup menu and headert to full width but for my custom module I have some margins from nowhere :| Can you help me pls?


In responsive mode is even worst... slider instead to be full width is almost half of page...  can you guide me how to achive full width module doesn't metter in which page size but always full width.. 


1 Answer

by john-smith (1.9k points)

Thanks for letting us know about the situation and we'd love to help you with this.

TemplateToaster allows you to create a widget area below the menu position. Follow the steps 

Open TemplateToaster->Your Template->Widget Areas->Add Row->Select the position Below Menu->Name it accordingly.

To set the width of a Widget on a particular position just double click on the widget area from the above Draw position set the width accordingly

We are also sharing the screenshot for your reference. We hope this is helpful. Let us know if you have any more questions, comments, or concerns. 

by majan (240 points)
edited by majan
Hi, Thank you for update, but I am not able to add module below and above menu as both option are grey "disabled" how to fix that ? Moreover if my menu and header is 100% so how I can set also full width new module below menu if on screen I see you need to provide value in px?

Would be nice if you create video tutorial for such action :)

If you want I can send you my template,

Moreover it is not first issue with custom postion of module which I have in TT, maybe I am doing something wrong, but you can look on my website and see where I have article in 3 columns and they are displayed only on half on my page and module is set as full :( I am disappointed

by majan (240 points)
Hi, do you have any update for me? As I mentioned I am not able to add any row using option add below menu? Can you guide me or make short video?

by john-smith (1.9k points)

We really apologize for all the inconvenience caused to you.

Please create a support ticket and share your TTR file with us so that we can trace the problem at our end and provide you with an appropriate solution.

You can create a support ticket through this link-> https://templatetoaster.com/support.
by majan (240 points)
Case submitted, we will see how you can help
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