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in Joomla Templates by networkandweb (290 points)
By default, list line items are set to align justify.  How do I change that, globally, to align left?

1 Answer

by john-smith (1.9k points)


Thanks for letting us know about the situation and we'd love to help you with this.

TemplateToaster provides a text-align position as justified by default. If you are exporting your theme with content from TemplateToaster then just double click on the Context ->Editor tab will be open you can select the text-align position from there. 

We are also sharing the screenshot for your reference. We hope this is helpful.  Let us know if you have any more questions, comments, or concerns.

by networkandweb (290 points)
You misunderstood.

First, I'm exporting a template to Joomla.  I'm not creating an HTML site.

Second, I'm talking about ORDERED AND UNORDERED LISTS (OL and UL).  The default text line alignment is "justified".  IMHO it should be "left".  But it's not.

I want to set it to "left", globally.  There is no place to do that in TT.

I hope I have clarified this point sufficiently.
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