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in General Discussion by claudyaguerr (220 points)
Hi, i download demo version yesterday, launchs it on Vista Premium. I add a template for make some tests, but, i´m in doubt: TT have or don´t a WYSIWYGING mode? Since i can´t upload any theme for see it online, it´s so strange the mode i see on my notebook. All is showed like a list, and end at buttons on the final page on screen, i mean, i don´t see like i see at a WP site online. So, can someone help me showing if is this the way of TT? After buying the license, how it displays? Sorry....

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
- It is not possibe to import external template in TemplateToaster. Third party templates are not supported and you need to design your templates within TemplateToaster.
- The sample templates changes its layout according to the different CMS's provided in General tab. For HTML5, you can get the whole content. While for other CMS's the content you see is dummy and is just for illustration purpose only.
- In TemplatToaster, formatting of content is only allowed in HTML5 whereas for CMS's like wordpress, joomla you have to add it from CMS admin.
We believe that CMSs like Joomla/Wordpress etc are specifically designed for content management/editing.
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