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in Joomla Templates by lundahl (500 points)
When I install a new template with content, all modules that I have placed in the left and right positions in my old template are removed. They are really deleted and therefore I have to recreate them after importing the contents of the new template.

I've never imported content before so I think I'm doing something wrong in some way. How do you prevent this from happening?

1 Answer

by john-smith (1.9k points)


Thanks for letting us know about the situation. We'd love to help you with this.

When you import a theme with content then all the module position gets overridden by default. You can change the module position from the backend as you have set them. Follow the steps to set the module position

Open Joomla Backend->Extension->Module->Your module->Set position accordingly

We hope this is helpful. Let us know if you have any more questions, comments, or concerns

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