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in Joomla Templates by ulrich-wagner (180 points)


I wanted to try out a template created with Templatetoaster on a website (uliwagner.de), but this error message appears in the frontend: error-message — ImgBB (ibb.co)

The same error message appears when I want to make the module position visible on a website by adding "?tp=1", with a template created with Templattoaster. This is the website: dorfgemeinschaft.seckmauern.de

Can someone help me to solve this problem?


1 Answer

by emma-johnson (2.4k points)

We have tried to generate the case but were unable to generate the issue at our end.

Please create a support ticket from this link: https://templatetoaster.com/support and let us know the steps to generate the issue. Also, please share your ttr and exported zip file in the support ticket.
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