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in General Discussion by almarma (320 points)

I'm Alberto, a user tired of the buggy and slow Artisteer. While looking for alternatives I discovered yours. Well, it looks promising, but missing some features from AT4 like text shadows, floating menu inside the header, etc. And I'm a bit worried because it seems to be done in exactly the same way, with some different buttons, and it scares me, because working with AT you have a feeling of walking on ice: you don't know when it will break, but it's pretty sure it will. I hope you don't follow that way ;)

Anyway, I'll keep playing with it and trying to help with the bugs I find. If the price is similar to Artisteer and you fix bugs faster than them, I'll move here ;)

OK, and now, the original question: is your site done with TT? If so, it would be great, and a good way of showing what you can achieve, if you explain how you added shadows under the menus and boxes on the front page.
And congratulations, it's design looks very nice!

3 Answers

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Yes, the site theme is designed using TemplateToaster, we added lot of widget areas on the template as TemplateToaster support adding dynamic widget areas/modules/regions where you want, than we designed some additional graphics and put it there using text widgets.

For example top menu "My Account |FAQs | Blog " is created by adding some custom HTML/CSS/graphics in a widget area designed with TemplateToaster.
by pcinput (340 points)
Could you let us know what CMS you used and also, how did you create the footer menus and socialise stuff within the actual CMS?

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
It can be done using any of the supported CMS.

Quite easy, just add four positions in footer and add the links as list items using custom HTML module. You can contact us on support for detailed instructions.
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