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in Joomla Templates by harry-baker (380 points)
I am a bit stuck with a extra module position in my template.
In that module position i placed an extra horizontal menu (standard joomla module)
When resizing the website in the browser, the standard horizontal menu stay fixed, but the extra menu position behave like a fluid element. The menu is getting rezised to a smaller menu.
How can i fix this, the second menu has to be a fixed one like the original horizontal menu.

1 Answer

by harry-baker (380 points)
Solved it !
I copied the div styles of te orignal menu from the index.php and pasted it at the extra position i have made in index.php. Then i changed the name "menu" in that div style to the name of the extra position.

<nav id="ttr_menu" class="navbar-default navbar">
<div id="ttr_menu_inner_in">
<div class="menuforeground">
<div id="navigationmenu">
<div class="navbar-header">
<button id="nav-expander" data-target=".navbar-collapse" data-toggle="collapse" class="navbar-toggle" type="button">
<span class="sr-only">
<span class="icon-bar">
<span class="icon-bar">
<span class="icon-bar">
<div class="menu-center collapse navbar-collapse">
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="Menu"/> HERE I CHANGED THE NAME
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