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in Joomla Templates by sgeccsgecc-org (120 points)
I have a very specific requirement to add a second 'container' to a page. I have not found an option in the toaster menu to accomplish this.

If this is not possible via the toaster, I can always add the bootstrap container by editing the HTML manually.


1 Answer

by emma-johnson (2.4k points)

We use bootstrap structure in our TemplateToaster and bootstrap have two types/classes for container i.e., Fluid and Fixed. We do have these options for containers. We can't add a second container on a page from TempateTaoster but we surely can add that manually. If you want, we can provide you with a custom solution for this.

For that, please create a support ticket and let us know the details for the second container.

You can create a support ticket from this link: https://templatetoaster.com/support
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