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in Joomla Templates by art (170 points)

I don't really want ANYTHING except template to be installed (ie exported). I'm switching off "content" ticker on export dialog window, but still have some unnecessary plugin/module installed. (screenshot attached). How to exclude it from being exported?

1 Answer

by emma-johnson (2.4k points)


This plugin is not related to "with content or without content" export. This plugin is to provide the styling to the sidebar menu or any new menu which we add from the Joomla backend. We have an option in the backend for new menu styling i.e., Custom Style and TT Default. We can choose the styling option accordingly from the backend.

We've attached a screenshot for your reference.

by art (170 points)
this is the point, I've made all my styling in TemplateToaster, why would I need one more settings tab in Joomla? How to exclude it from package?
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