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in General Discussion by guy (120 points)
I tried to ask this as question with the pop-up help - but nobody available and no follow-up email. So thought I would try asking in the forum.

I just use a basic ftp hosting system, no "wordpress", "droopy" or "other" types of special hosting.

Does this means that the themes for anything other than plain HTML are unsuitable - or is this just a "style" which can be used for any type of hosting.

In other web design software, the "drag and drop" type of elements seem to work regardless of the howting plastform - is this the same or must you only use templates / themes designed specifically for special hosting. (So if you are not using wordpress, you cannot use any of the those "themes").

I realise this must be a real noob question (but I have not come across this issue with other website builders - and although i can find others who are confused about the issue, never found an ANSWER to the issue.

I used to like mobirise (until they changed the licence retrospectively) - you can drag and drop anything into your page and it works. I need something like that - but with a more honest pricing system (buy it once, not every year). Keen to buy but DO need this question answered before i invest more money.

Many thanks


2 Answers

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Thanks for letting us know about the situation. We'd love to help you with this. 

You can use any CMS themes or templates. If you download or create a theme of WordPress, there is an option to switch the CMS in TemplateToaster. So even if you use the template/theme of any CMS, you can switch CMS to HTML and then export it and upload the website directly. (We've attached a screenshot for your reference to change the CMS to HTML.)

In HTML, we have two options while exporting the template. Either you can export the folder and upload it directly through FTP. Or we have the direct option of FTP Upload in TemplateToaster while exporting. (Refer to screenshot export1 & export2)
by lisa-west (35.1k points)

Please check attached screenshots:

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