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in Joomla Templates by hangbill (280 points)
Am using trial version, 'start from scratch' template.

Re the sidebar menu with submenu (seems same applies to the horizontal menu too)

Want the active menu item and submenu item to be highlighted. The 'hover' property seems to work but 'active' does not. Unless 'active' controls something else

The submenu items closes when an item is clicked. Want it to remain open, and be highlighted.

Both are important so that a visitor knows where he/she is on a large busy site.
I note that there is a recent similar post (about point 2) that has not yet been responded to.

Hope you can help, thanks

3 Answers

by iceferret (3.3k points)
No, active does control the menu item that is, well, active so you should be able to set it's style etc. Unless it's not possible in the trial version. Still working on the keeping menu open (my unanswered post) possibly by adding a class and manipulating it with javascript, not sure yet..... :(
by hangbill (280 points)
OK let's see if TT responds. Likely wont buy the app if it cant do this.
BTW does the 'active' menu styling work for you...
by hangbill (280 points)
Ok the active menu styling works when published, but does not work from inside the TT app
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