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in Joomla Templates by erkbiz (500 points)
edited by erkbiz
Any idea why my slideshow will not export to my domain? I can run my joomla site on my computer, (localhost), but when I export the template to my internet domain the slideshow is not exported. I have updated the database from localhost to my domain and I install the template on the domain and then clicking the, "add content", link. Everything is on the site except for the slideshow. Any thoughts as to why this is the case?

The slideshow was recently added to my joomla site that had been uploaded to my domain and used without a slideshow.

1 Answer

by robert-williams (5.2k points)


We tried to generate this issue at our end but slideshows are working fine there. So we need to check this issue at your end. Please create a ticket from the link given below and also attach your site URL and TTR file with the ticket.

by erkbiz (500 points)
I FTP'd my local joomla CMS from my localhost replacing what I had on my domain and the problem was resolved....thanks for the great support!
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