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in Joomla Templates by michiel (140 points)
I updated my TT version last week, (Version: now when I install a new template my modules are not visible anymore. They were visible based on TT version of December 20th (Version: All I did was a new export and installed it on my website.
Does anyone know what is changed here?
I played around with some bootstrap stuf but nothing helps. Also no bootstrap settings are described in the TT references. Even the manual is not up to date here; the module positions tab in the TT manual is not as it is in the latest versions.
I opened a ticket a couple of days ago but no response from the TT team

Thanks Michiel

1 Answer

by james (5.3k points)
This issue have been solved in latest build(Version: ). You can download latest version from http://templatetoaster.com/downloads/Te ... oaster.exe
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