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in Joomla Templates by pixagentur (160 points)
There are several entries in the menu, My problem concerns the main menu if there are URL entries in it.

Example (set up like this in the backend):

  •     Home page (single post) Title Attribute: "Your strong partner for xy".
  •     Contact (single post) Title Attribute: "Write to your xy".
  •     Facebook (system link --> URL) URL: https:// example.de Title Attribute: "visit us on Facebook"

If you look at this in the frontend, you will notice that the title attribute of the Facebook entry is not displayed, but that of the entry before it instead.

In the example, it would look like this:

  •     Home page (single entry) Title attribute: "Your strong partner for xy".
  •     Contact (single entry) Title Attribute: "Write to your xy".
  •     Facebook (system link --> URL) URL: https:// example.de Title Attribute: "Write to her xy"

You can see this if you hover the mouse over the respective menu item. If I leave the title attribute empty, the same problem exists. If I leave the title attribute of the entry before empty, then the attribute of the start page would be taken (in this example).
It is not an error of Joomla. It works with other templates. Only with the one from TemplateToaster does the problem exist.
It also does not affect a specific template, but all those made with Template Toaster.

I hope you have a solution for this problem.

Best regards

1 Answer

by robert-williams (5.2k points)

You have submitted a ticket regarding this issue ([Ticket #86635058]) and we have generated this issue at our end and forwarded it to our development team. We will provide you an updated build as soon as possible.
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