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in Joomla Templates by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
I've installed a toaster template for joomla on J2.5. When I try to preview the template (via template manager>Templates) the module positions show for a second and then disappear.

This doesn't happen with the pre-installed templates where the module posines stay on the screen.

Any suggestions? :ugeek:

16 Answers

by jrgweb (640 points)
Your modules show with this link:

by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
Yes they do. Unfortunately, that's not a toaster generated template.

This is the original problem @ http://mkwd.cloudaccess.net/index.php?tp=1&template=toastertest4 refresh the page and you'll see what I mean. This is a toaster generated template.
by jrgweb (640 points)
Ok, I see what you are talking about. send me your template file(zip) and i will put on my server and see

jrgweb @ gmail.com
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
Over the weekend I've done a few things.

I unstaled/reinstalled toaster.
Tried J1.5 template on a different server
Tried using different browsers
Tried exporting toaster templates as file rather than zip
Annd so on.

The problem still persists. ;)
by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
Over the weekend I've done a few things.

I unstaled/reinstalled toaster.
Tried J1.5 template on a different server
Tried using different browsers
Tried exporting toaster templates as file rather than zip
Annd so on.

The problem still persists. ;)

Please provide us your exported Joomla template here or at support for analysis: http://templatetoaster.com/support
by mkwdmike (2.0k points)
The new version Release appears to have overcome this problem.

Thanks to all for their help :lol:
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