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in Joomla Templates by peterjrobinson32 (160 points)
I have set up a couple of multi-column rows within the 'content container', but when I come to display items to put in specific cells, I cannot see the appropriate modules to attach to the Joomla content (for example, I wish to put a 'newsflash' of the latest event in one unit and attach that to a newsflash 'module' that links to that particular position).
All I see is a 'home page' text, which is 'featured' but if I remove the featuring I get a 'missing page error'. What modules do I need to use and how can I link these to my content container?

1 Answer

by robert-williams (5.2k points)

You can add Module Positions from TemplateToaster in your template and after installing the template, you can add any of the modules from Joomla Backend on those Module Positions.

We are not able to generate the "missing page error" case at our end. Please open a support ticket at https://templatetoaster.com/support and also share your website URL, marked screenshots of the issue, and the same TTR file in which this issue is occurring.
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