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in Joomla Templates by jimmygrp (320 points)
I have a problem with Joomla template which was generated in the TT - in particular the horizontal menu - more accurately - the mobile menu.

Colors the drop-down menu is not like the normal menu (1 level) when the mouse rolls over. When using the mobile view, it does not react to external links, and are \"skipped\". Drop-down menu at the same time there is no form of arrows as pictured.

mntt1.jpg - this is how menu should be
mntt2.jpg - this is how menu is bugged in mobile version.
mntt3.jpg - this is how it looks like the menu with bug (no arrows, no react to mouse rolls).




1 Answer

by james (5.3k points)
This issue has been resolved at our end, we will provide you the in the latest build.
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