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in Joomla Templates by lundahl (500 points)

Where is the setting for the space between intro image and text if there is one? Right now, the space is affected whether you have a headline or not.

1 Answer

by robert-williams (5.2k points)
Hello, Sorry for the inconvenience caused to you. There is no option to add space between image and text from Joomla Backend. Please use given custom CSS below to add space between image and text.

Add this custom css from Joomla Backend by following steps given below :

Extensions - Templates -> Click on your template -> Style Options -> Custom CSS.



   width : auto !important;


.pull-right img


margin-left:10px !important; ( set your required value )


If this doesn't work for you, then please open a support ticket at https://templatetoaster.com/support.
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