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in Joomla Templates by rbeelen1 (120 points)

When using a iphone 5S, 6, there a some modules not visible, instead of the modules, text: Position Left is visible.
The site is in dutch: http://www.degrieksekeuken.nl

Could somebody else have a look via a mobile device and let me know if he/she is seeing the same and how to solve this?


7 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
Please check the Show in mobile view for module position which you wanted to show in mobile.
TemplateToaster -> Module Position -> click over the moduleposition for example HAModulePosition00 -> Check in Show in Mobile View.
by mgsoft (780 points)
where i found this function? see printscreen - i found nothing.

by templatetoaster (24.8k points)
where i found this function? see printscreen - i found nothing.

Please elaborate your requirement in some detail.
by mgsoft (780 points)
hi Sarah
you write:
TemplateToaster -> Module Position -> click over the moduleposition for example HAModulePosition00 -> Check in Show in Mobile View.

in our printscreen i see no "Check in Show in Mobile View".
by mgsoft (780 points)
any News to this post?
i search this function, that i can shwo modules only in mobile-view.
by sarah (15.2k points)
The module positions in TemplateToaster are now by default set to visible in Tab and mobile view. You don't have to check any extra option to "show in mobile view".
by mgsoft (780 points)
hi sara
a checkbox would have been good. so you could for tablet and mobile view respectively activate certain modules. disable. so it would be very flexible for responsive considerate. they could not even consider whether you could do this function.
as for example: in the normal view could be active in a module position, the horizontal menu switch to "module1". the modul1 would you turn off the tablet or mobile, but a Modul2 where you could more active for the tablet, the vertical menu.
So it would be very good, you could specify for each module position, whether it should be displayed in the PC / Tablet / Mobile view. By default, everything can be enabled.
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