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in Joomla Templates by steffen216 (120 points)
I have tried to modify one of the built-in templates (RealSteel). When using this template, I have experienced three issues with the Joomla privacy consent plugin and the user registration form:

When clicking on the Privacy Policy link below the registration form in a mobile browser the link does not work. It works in a desktop browser.

The radio buttons for switching between agreeing or not agreeing are reversed, so you need to click on the button that is activated to switch to the other option.

The cancel button in the bottom is not shown correctly.

1 Answer

by robert-williams (5.2k points)
Hello, We are not able to generate this case at our end. Privacy link and radio button is working at our end. We have resolved issue regarding privacy link in the latest version of TemplateToaster Version 8.

You may download the latest version from the given link below:


If this doesn't solve your issue, please open a support ticket at https://templatetoaster.com/support and also share your website link so that we can check the issue at your end and able to provide you an appropriate solution.
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