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in General Discussion by gthib (460 points)

I was wondering whether it is possible to have multiple slideshow windows/boxes - several custom size slideshow frames with the fade transition on the same page. Each slideshow frame/box should have separate/independent , automatic slide presentation.

If not, would you be so kind to suggest me a wordpress plugin to achieve this effect?

Thank you in advance.

4 Answers

by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
Have a search of the WP plugin repository for slideshow or slider. There are many to choose from.

This is one that I used when I used slideshows/sliders:


I do not use them any longer as "research has shown" that they are not effective. Personally, I now find them 'annoying' :)
by gthib (460 points)
Thank you very much.

Meanwhile I have found that a Slider Revolution offers that possibility while using a different ID per slide on a page.
Would you be so kind to give me a tiny advice how to use the different ID to get this work, please?
As far as I understand it is not possible to arrange this feature within TemplateToaster, am I right?

Thanks in advance.
by 2ninerniner2 (1.2k points)
As far as I understand it is not possible to arrange this feature within TemplateToaster, am I right?

Correct. This is a content matter and is done from within WP.

I have not used Revolution slider, but I would gather that it works the same as the others in that you would simply put the shortcode for each slider where you want it on the page.

When you create a slider, generally, a shortcode is generated for each one with a unique ID, such as [slider-1], [slider-2], etc. You would then just enter these codes on the page where you want the slider to appear.
by gthib (460 points)
Thanks, I do appreciate your prompt piece of advice.
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