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in General Discussion by gipsonknitcreations (160 points)
I am trying to remove a shadow from the Content Tab > Product Properties > Typography > Content, but there doesn't seem to be an option to do so. How else can I change this?


3 Answers

by james (5.3k points)
There are two shadow options in product tab :
1) First, You can remove the product's content shadow effects from Content Tab > Product > Typography > Content -> More -> Effects tab -> Select No affects.

2) Second, you can set or remove shadow from whole product Content Tab > Product > Shadow -> No-effect(for no shadow).
by gipsonknitcreations (160 points)
For 1) I can't access the More section with the standard edition.
For 2) That only removes the shadow from the border of the product section, not the text itself.
by james (5.3k points)
TemplateToaster provides this more option in Professional Version.
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