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in General Discussion by jeffk2 (120 points)
How I delete an element from the template loaded in a new webpage?How I delete an element from the template loaded in a new webpage?HHH

1 Answer

by robert-williams (5.2k points)

TemplateToaster add the default element on new page, you can delete it by click on particular page > For example you don't want to add the header on this page > Click on Header tab > Header Position > No Header.

To remove the content row and column Click on Content tab > Find the option of (+) and (-) in row or column section > Click on (-) to remove the Row and Column > but at list there is one row with one column is not deletable.
by jeffk2 (120 points)
OK thank you.  I didn't feel that is intuitive.  But I guess I am new.
by jeffk2 (120 points)
I have another question.  When I choose FILE in the ribbon menu and go to move the mouse to select an option in that drop down, the drop down disappears and thus I cannot make the selection.
by jeffk2 (120 points)
I've just realised that it is because the top option "New" that option is selected on mouseover and thus the other options cannot be selcted.  My mouse doesn't do that with any other app.
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