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in General Discussion by toplinktravel (120 points)
closed by toplinktravel
I am new to TemplateToaster and need to add a button with hyperlink for opencart. I went through the user's manual and can't find any answer. Anyone can help ? Thank you so much!
closed with the note: sorted

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster provides an option to add text area within header/menu/footer, where you can edit the text simply by double clicking the text area and  editor tab will open at top, from where you can apply hyperlink to the text and can also create a button. To achieve this, please follow the steps provided below:
Please go to TemplateToaster -> header/menu/footer -> Text area -> double click within the text area created -> editor tab will open at top -> button.
For more help: please check Textarea section under https://kb.templatetoaster.com/header-tab-templatetoaster/

by toplinktravel (120 points)
Thank you ! It helps !
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