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in General Discussion by michael91 (180 points)
OOps please move to ISSUES & Bugs Topic -- Sorry :oops:

V5.0.0.6906 plus previous one V5.0.0.6886

Has anyone noticed any issues with using the header tab?

As in been able to change values, add logo, change height and boarder..

Jumps to slideshow.....

In fact you cannot select the header tab, where you get the yellow box around the editable area.


1 Answer

by michael91 (180 points)
OK its a few days later....

I have now started the template from scratch in TT5 and have had no issues with the above version so far (TT5).

What I have found is that I .ttr file from TT4 and bringing it in to TT5 can course problems, one been the one that I have outlined.

Has anyone else experiance any problem bringing older versions in to TT5 ?

like TT4 .ttr file into TT5
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