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in Joomla Templates by finalfiler (460 points)
There is no way I can see to set the left margin for paragraphs in content, which means the left hand character of a line is placed right onto or into the content container's border.

I found the "Editor" > Paragraph Indent adjustment but that only indents the first line.
Is there are way to overcome this?

3 Answers

by iceferret (3.3k points)
Isn't that just 'content-padding'?
by lisa-west (35.1k points)

TemplateToaster provides option to add cell padding, in case you want the paragraph text seperated from container border, you can simply apply either row padding or cell padding. To apply row/cell padding please follow the steps provided below:
Go to TemplateToaster -> Select the row/cell you want to apply padding -> row/cell tab will get enabled at top -> padding -> set left/right padding as per your requirement.
For more help, please refer to https://kb.templatetoaster.com/wordpress-content-tab-templatetoaster/

by wilderer (740 points)
Container müssen doch nicht unter TemplateToaster definiert werden. Das macht sich wesentlich besser und einfacher unter Joomla im Editor. Unter TT sollte man nur grundlegende Bereiche definieren, da leider nicht alles funktioniert beziehungsweise nicht richtig umgesetzt wird in der Codierung. Der beste Editor dazu ist JCE.

Containers don't have to be defined under TemplateToaster. This is much better and easier under Joomla in the editor. Under TT you should only define basic areas, because unfortunately not everything works or is not correctly implemented in the coding. The best editor for this is JCE.
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