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in Joomla Templates by clinton (160 points)

I cannot install the template on joomla 3.3.6.

When I try to upload the exported zipfile I get the following message:

JInstaller: :Install: File does not exist /customers/7/3/7/ibiwebdesign.com/httpd.www/tmp/install_5469d976894ef/totop.js
Error installing template

No template is being installed.
Version TTR used:

Any suggestions welcome!

3 Answers

by sarah (15.2k points)
We are unable to produce the error at our end. Please try to use the latest version of TemplateToaster5.
by clinton (160 points)
I've tried installing several (sample) templates to joomla but get the same error again.

I am currently using the trial mode. Could this be the reason why it produces an error when uploading templates to joomla?

Version used this time: beta.

Any help appreciated
by sarah (15.2k points)
Please open a ticket at support http://templatetoaster.com/support with the exported template file.
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