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in General Discussion by gewa62 (300 points)
ich habe mal alle Neuerungen der zukünftigen 5er Version ins Deutsche übersetzt.
Zu finden unter: http://www.blog.tausend1.de/tt/templatetoaster-5

3 Answers

by gewa62 (300 points)
Nun gibt es auch einen kleinen Software-Test in deutsch unter:
by lisa-west (35.1k points)

We are unable to trace the error at our end. Please open a support ticket with ttr file and exported template at http://templatetoaster.com/support or provide it here.
by lisa-west (35.1k points)
The option to edit Javascript and CSS is there under General Tab -> Editors.
In CSS Editor, if you just type . (dot for class selector) or # (hash for id selector), you will see a list of all classes available.
Same in the case of JavaScript editor, all hints are available.
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