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in Joomla Templates by office244 (260 points)
i would like to have all menu items including the submenus

to be displayed in the sidebar position, but this is not working at


1 Answer

by robert-williams (5.2k points)

Please provide us the following details :-

TemplateToaster Version :-

Joomla Version :-
by office244 (260 points)
TT is
Joomla is 3.9.12
by robert-williams (5.2k points)
Please follow these step to add the menu in sidebar :-
Open TemplateToaster > General > Sidebars > Add sidebar to your template > Export your template.
Open Joomla backend > Extension > Install your exported Template.
To make the template default for all the pages of your site go to Extension > Templates > Styles > Choose your exported template.
To add the sidebar menu click on > Extension > Module > Click on  the menu or items from list that you want to add in sidebar >
Choose the Position for your menu Left[left] > Save.
Check site frontend your menu has been placed in left sidebar.

If still, your issue is not solved please open the support ticket  at: https://templatetoaster.com/support/ and attach the screenshots of the issues.
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