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in Joomla Templates by jgort2 (320 points)

Im using latest Joomla and latest TT with the original Contact form.

However i can not change the white (#f5f5f5) background color of the contactform.

Hope you can help me,

Thank in advantage,


1 Answer

by patricia-jones (3.4k points)

TemplateToaster  provides various options to set  the background color of contact form.

To set the background color of contact form in content area you can modify the background color of the entire content area/particular row/particular cell that contains contact form.

To achieve this follow the given steps:

open content tab=>set background color for Main/Row/Cell.

To set background color of the contact form in footer area open footer tab=>set background color.It will change  background color for the entire footer area.

To set background color of particular footer  row in which contact form is there,Go to Home page =>open footer tab =>set background color  of the particular row.

To add contact form in footer double click on footer content area editor tabwill appear select contact form optiomn

To set background color of contact form in sidebar, click on module containing contact form =>set module container/content background color.

To add contact form in side bar first you have to add module to achive this :

first select sidebar layout , modules tab will apppear in tab list =>open module tab=> enter  module block title corresponing to add option under module tab=>click on Add  and a module bock is created under Sidebar block=>Double click on the created module content area,editor tab appears ,select the contact form option.

by jgort2 (320 points)
Thanks for your fast response!

Unfortenately it didnt worked out on TT like the ways you described. Maybe something with the new Joomla version?
Finally ive done it manually with my css.

Thanks anyway.
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