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in Joomla Templates by olupitandavid (140 points)
Good day,

How do I change the link of he slideshows images after export has been made for Joomla website? I have already made the export before noticing that it still links to templatetoaster website. I am using TemplateToaster 7

1 Answer

by patricia-jones (3.4k points)
Currently TemplateToaster v7 provides an option to modify slideshow images link within TemplateToaster itself, to change them after export you need to manually modify them in template's index file.

Also, the latest version of TemplateToaster version beta 8 provide the feature to modify slideshow images link after exporting your theme with content.

To achieve this follow the bellow steps:

1. Install and Import exported theme.

1. Now Click on Extension => Modules.

2. Select the particular slideshow module, WYSIWYG editor will appear.

3. Click on source code option ( <> ) => change hyperlink reference here.

4. Click on Ok => Save.

Now, Visit your site.
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