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in General Discussion by billr (120 points)
I was looking over facebook to find a Template Toaster community. I am sure there is a lot of users who may benefit from this. As well as the ability to help each other out, toss around ideas etc.

At this point I feel as if I am working alone as I figure out some of the functions of this Toaster, would be cool to work with other Devs.

1 Answer

by lisa-west (35.1k points)
TemplateToaster has a UserVoice page at https://templatetoaster.uservoice.com/  where you can discuss the new feature requests, also you can check our facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/groups/TemplateToaster/
by billr (120 points)
How active is this Facebook group?

1.) I sent a join request a couple days when I saw your reply.
2.) I am only seeing 3 posts (public) from 2 years ago.
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